Featured Seller: Octavine Illustration

I love Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles. Seeing that I went to college for interior design and architecture, these two styles were, by far, my favorite lectures in our art history and architecture history courses. The sweeping, organic elements of Art Nouveau seemed so beautiful and natural to me, while the rigid, structured motifs and silhouettes of the Art Deco period were so pleasing to the eye. To me, both of these styles just make sense.

That's why I was so happy to find this artist on etsy.com. Go check it out! Her shop name is Octavine Illustration, and here is her description of her work:

"My goal is to construct a world of retro images based on the classic Art Deco form. I garner inspiration from the sensuous lines of Deco haute couture, classic silhouettes of sleek sophistication."


Unknown said…
thank you so much for the wonderful feature. you just made my day....

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