Baby Shower

I've realized that, as of late, I prefer blending into the background instead of being front and center. For instance, recently there was a baby shower held for a girl at work. I offered to help carry the gifts to the restaurant where it was being hosted, and once everything was set up, I then offered to take pictures of everything. This continued throughout the night. I took pictures of the mom-to-be opening her gifts, of the guests mingling, etc. I still got to talk with everyone, but I sort of liked being the one who was assigned to be the photographer. I don't know, I guess I feel more comfortable when I have something specific to do, instead of just awkwardly standing there with a drink in my hand.

Anyway, here are some of the pictures. Aren't these cupcakes cute? I tried to get closeups of everything; my friend who put everything together is considering starting her own party business, and wanted to get some good shots for her future portfolio!



the cupcakes are adorable :)

*surfed to your blog from "baby shower" google blog search*


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